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Anne Laybolt

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Driftwood folk-art inspired by the potential of each piece of wood found on the local beaches of Eastern Kings. In my self-taught driftwood folk-art, I have intentionally made ‘perfectly imperfect’ pieces. Never letting the need to master a craft stop me from incorporating it, if it helps articulate the potential I first saw.

My work combines the natural beauty and intriguing markings of the wood with minimally invasive mixed media add-ons that animate the wood’s potential, as it called to me to pick it up. The key to choosing what driftwood to pick up, and what to leave in the sand, is seeing potential. Potential is in everyone, and everything around us. This intrinsic perspective is relevant in my art. From this starting point I choose various materials to work with that will complete my vision of the driftwood’s potential to bring joy, intrigue and thought to the viewer.

Hope you enjoy the warmth of the wood, the memories of summer and a whimsical reminder of searching for joy and pleasure in the simple things in life. A graduate of NSCAD University, Anne currently splits her time between Nova Scotia and PEI, spending May to Oct in our home in Kingsboro and on the beaches collecting driftwood.

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