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James Aquilani
Jim Aquilani is a primarily self-taught silversmith specializing in the design and creation of unique jewellery pieces. Jim is originally from San Diego California and moved to the island to start Vitamin Sea Studio in 2006.
Jim gravitated towards jewellery making as a discipline after exploring architecture and graphic design in high school and graphic design and jewellery making for a semester in college.
The materials he uses in his work can range from gold, silver and brass to bone, marbles, steel and even binocular lenses. He is constantly trying new techniques and pushing his boundaries
So much of the inspiration for Jim's work comes from nature and he enjoys combining natural forms and materials with architectural elements.
Being self-taught means Jim spends a lot of time problem solving and perfecting his skills. Challenging to be sure, but he finds it very rewarding when everything finally comes together as a finished piece!
Vitamin Sea Studio is "The Cure for Common Jewellery"!
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